Planning the smart city with young people
with Simeon Shtebunaev
In this episode, we explore a topic that often goes unnoticed in urban planning: the role of young people in shaping today’s smart cities. With Simeon Shtebunaev, from the Birmingham City University, in the UK, we dive into young people’s perceptions, their values, and the key considerations for planners. How can we shape the future of our cities with the voices of the next generation?
Episode based on the article
Planning the Smart City With Young People: Teenagers’ Perceptions, Values and Visions of Smartness
By Simeon Shtebunaev, Silvia Gullino, and Peter J. Larkham
About the Speaker

Simeon Shtebunaev is a doctoral candidate at Birmingham City University and the Royal Town Planning Institute Young Planner of the Year 2022. Their research focuses on community inclusion in urban planning and architecture, specifically focusing on young people.