Ranked choice voting and women’s representation in the US
with Cynthia Richie Terrell
Ranked choice voting first gained a foothold in the US during the 20th century, as calls for electoral reforms grew. It was implemented in many cities across the US in both single- and multi-seat districts and has recently gained new traction in the country. Cynthia Richie Terrell, from RepresentWomen, makes an overview of ranked choice voting in the US and how it has affected (and will affect in the future) women’s representation in the country.
Episode based on the article
About the Speaker

Cynthia Richie Terrell is the founder and executive director of RepresentWomen, a nonprofit research and advocacy hub studying the barriers women face in U.S. politics and potential solutions for achieving gender-balanced political representation. Terrell has been published in many news outlets including: The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, The Hill, The Fulcrum, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette and Ms Magazine; and was a contributor in the 2020 book The Best Candidate: Presidential Nomination in Polarized Times.