Journalism vs. healthcare: A trust crisis
with Young Eun Moon
Public trust in journalism has plummeted, raising questions about why the public seems to trust doctors far more. Young Eun Moon (Arizona State University, USA) explores this issue by comparing public perceptions of these two professions, helping us uncover the factors contributing to this disparity in trust.
Episode based on the article
Doctors Fact-Check, Journalists Get Fact-Checked: Comparing Public Trust in Journalism and Healthcare
By Young Eun Moon, Kristy Roschke, Jacob L. Nelson, and Seth C. Lewis
About the Speaker

Young Eun Moon is a postdoctoral researcher at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication. She received a doctoral degree in Communication & Media Studies from the University of Oregon. Her primary research interests are comparative political communication, journalism studies, global communication and Women & gender politics. Some of her publications have appeared in multiple high impact journals including Journalism Studies, Journalism Practice, and Feminist Media Studies.