Anti-vaxxers on social media
with Adriana da Rosa Amaral
Anti-vaxxers are a global threat, spreading misinformation and endangering public health. Using the German and Brazilian as case studies, Adriana da Rosa Amaral explores the dangers of anti-vaxxers and how society can defend itself against the consequences of misinformation.
Episode based on the article
Narratives of Anti-Vaccination Movements in the German and Brazilian Twittersphere: A Grounded Theory Approach
By Adriana da Rosa Amaral, Brazil Anna-Katharina Jung, Lea-Marie Braun, and Beatriz Blanco
About the Speaker

Adriana da Rosa Amaral is a professor and researcher at the School of Creative Industries at the Unisinos University in Brazil. She is a coordinator of the research lab CULTPOP‐Pop Culture, Communication and Technologies, and a researcher at CNPq, Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Her studies focus on digital culture and social media in the context of fan studies, subcultures, and popular cultures. She has published articles at the conferences of ICA, AoIR, MISDOOM, and other journals.