Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-7635

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Pacheco, Mónica, Department of Architecture and Urbanism, ISCTE—University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal (Portugal)
Page, Jessica, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden (Sweden)
Palate, Savia, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (Cyprus)
Palestino, Maria Federica, Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II, Italy (Italy)
Palmer, Lesley, Dementia Services Development Centre, The University of Stirling, UK (United Kingdom)
Palmero, Fabiana, Vic City Council, Spain (Spain)
Palmese, Cristina, Social and Communication Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain (Italy)
Palmieri, Fernanda, Department of Architecture, University of East London, UK (United Kingdom)
Panayotopoulos-Tsiros, Dimitrios, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, UK (United Kingdom)
Papa, Enrica, School of Architecture and Cities, University of Westminster, UK (United Kingdom)
Papachristou, Ioanna-Anna, Sustainability Measurement and Modeling Lab, BarcelonaTech—ESEIAAT, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain (Spain)
Papatzani, Eva (Evangelia), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (Greece)
Paquet, Antoine, School of Planning and Regional Development, Laval University, Canada (Canada)
Pardini, Riccardo, Institute for Social Planning, Organisational Change and Urban Development, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Parish, Jessica, Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, De Montfort University, UK (United Kingdom)
Park, Chang Sug, Division for Environmental Planning, Korea Environment Institute, Republic of Korea (Korea, Republic of)
Park, Jinhee, Independent Researcher, South Korea (Korea, Republic of)
Park, Jooho, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Japan (Japan)
Parker, Alexandra, The Institute for Voluntary Action Research, UK (United Kingdom)
Pascale, Federica, School of Engineering & the Built Environment, Anglia Ruskin University, UK (United Kingdom)
Passani, Antonella, T6 Ecosystems srl, Italy (Italy)
Pastak, Ingmar, Department of Geography, University of Tartu, Estonia (Estonia)
Patel, Asiya, School of Planning, University of Waterloo, Canada (Canada)
Pattaroni, Luca, Urban Sociology Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Pattaroni, Luca, Laboratory of Urban Sociology, EPFL—Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Patterson, James, Faculty of Management, Science and Technology, The Netherlands Open University, The Netherlands / Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Pauleit, Stephan, Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany (Germany)
Payne, William J., Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University, Canada (Canada)
Pazouki, Kayvan, School of Engineering, Newcastle University, UK (United Kingdom)
Pellegrino, Margot, Lab’Urba, University Gustave Eiffel, France (France)
Pelzer, Peter, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning/Urban Futures Studio, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Peña‐Díaz, Jorge, Faculty of Architecture, Technological University José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE), Cuba (Cuba)
Pendras, Mark, School of Urban Studies, University of Washington Tacoma, USA (United States)
Pereira Roders, Ana, Department of Architectural Engineering + Technology, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Pérez-Cano, Teresa, Heritage and Territorial Urban Development in Andalusia Research Group, Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning, University of Seville, Spain (Spain)
Pérez‐Castro, Brenda, Secretariat, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, Thailand (Thailand)
Perona-Ribes, Lorena, Urbanism Department, Barcelona Provincial Country, Spain (Spain)
Perrott, Katherine, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University, Canada (Canada)
Perrotti, Daniela, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium (Belgium)
Peth, Simon Alexander, Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck, Austria (Austria)
Petrescu, Doina, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK (United Kingdom)
Petrov, Laura, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Belgium (Belgium)
Petutschnig, Andreas, Department of Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg, Austria (Austria)
Pfeffer, Karin, Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, University of Twente, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Pfeifer, Richard, Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, TU Wien, Austria (Austria)
Phan, Selina, Department of Geography, University of Western Ontario, Canada (Canada)
Phelps, Nicholas A., Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne, Australia (Australia)
Phillipson, Christopher, Department of Sociology, University of Manchester, UK (United Kingdom)
Philo, Chris, School of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK (United Kingdom)
Pietrostefani, Elisabetta, Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK / Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London, UK (United Kingdom)
Pijawka, David, School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning, Arizona State University, USA (United States)
Pijpers-van Esch, Marjolein, Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Pilz, Madlen, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Germany (Germany)
Pinho, Paulo, CITTA Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment, University of Porto, Portugal (Portugal)
Pinoncely, Victoria, Department of Geography, École Normale Supérieure—PSL Research University, France (France)
Pirity, Ádám, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary (Hungary)
Plank-Wiedenbeck, Uwe, Chair of Transport System Planning, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany (Germany)
Pleitinx, Renaud, Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning, UCLouvain, Belgium (Belgium)
Pløger, John, Department of Global Development & Planning, University of Agder, Norway (Norway)
Podmore, Julie A., Department of Geosciences, John Abbott College, Canada / Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment, Concordia University, Canada (Canada)
Polko, Paulina, Security Studies Department, WSB University, Poland (Poland)
Pooley, Alison, School of Engineering & the Built Environment, Anglia Ruskin University, UK (United Kingdom)
Poom, Age, Department of Geography, University of Tartu, Estonia / Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, Finland (Estonia)
Poorazizi, M. Ebrahim, Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada (Canada)
Porat, Idan, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Israel (Israel)
Porotto, Alessandro, Laboratoire de Construction et Conservation, Faculté de L’Environnement Naturel, Architectural et Construit, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland (Switzerland)
Portney, Kent E., Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy, The G.H.W. Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, USA (United States)
Pottgiesser, Uta, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, The Netherlands / Institute for Design Strategies, OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany (Netherlands)
Poulsen, Mathias, Lab for Play and Design, Design School Kolding, Denmark (Denmark)
Pourafkari, Shirin, Department of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne, Australia
Powell, Terrinieka W., Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA (United States)
Praharaj, Sarbeswar, Knowledge Exchange for Resilience, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University, USA (United States)
Preece, Terri, Dementia Services Development Centre, The University of Stirling, UK (United Kingdom)
Prieto de la Fuente, Paulina, Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University, Sweden (Sweden)
Pronk, Arno, Faculty of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Pryce, Josephine, College of Business, Law and Governance, James Cook University, Australia (Australia)
Psarra, Sophia, Space Syntax Laboratory, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, UK (United Kingdom)
Psarra, Sophia, Space Syntax Laboratory, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, London, UK (United Kingdom)
Puig-Ribera, Anna, Centre for Health and Social Care, University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Spain (Spain)
Pukhova, Alona, Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany (Germany)

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