Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-7635

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Kurgan, Laura, Center for Spatial Research, Columbia University, USA (United States)
Kuriakose, Francis, Cambridge Development Initiative, UK (United Kingdom)
Kurtenbach, Sebastian, Department of Social Work, Münster University of Applied Sciences, Germany / Faculty of Social Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (Germany)
Kurth, Detlef, Chair for Urban Planning, Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany (Germany)
Kurwan, Jenny, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany (Germany)
Kylasam Iyer, Deepa, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, USA (United States)
Kylin, Maria, Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden (Sweden)
Kymäläinen, Päivi, Unit of Social Research, Tampere University, Finland (Finland)

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