2025 [-]
The Role of Participatory Planning and Design in Addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Academic Editors: Hilary Davis (Swinburne University of Technology), Joel Fredericks (The University of Sydney), Marcus Foth (Queensland University of Technology), Glenda Caldwell (Queensland University of Technology), and Callum Parker (The University of Sydney)
AI for and in Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Tong Wang (TU Delft) and Neil Yorke-Smith (TU Delft)
2024 [-]
Urban In/Formalities: How Arrival Infrastructures Shape Newcomers’ Access To Resources
Academic Editors: Heike Hanhörster (Technical University Berlin), Martina Bovo (IUAV University of Venice / Politecnico di Milano), Miriam Neßler (Technical University Berlin), and Susanne Wessendorf (Coventry University)
Children’s Wellbeing in the Post-Pandemic City: Design, Planning, and Policy Challenges
Academic Editors: Garyfallia Katsavounidou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Sílvia Sousa (Porto Energy Agency / University of Porto)
Housing Affordability Crisis: How Can We Address It?
Academic Editors: Ajay Garde (University of California – Irvine) and Qi Song (University of California – Irvine)
Industrial Heritage and Cultural Clusters: More Than A Temporary Affair?
Academic Editors: Uwe Altrock (University of Kassel) and Janet Merkel (TU Berlin)
Transformative Local Governments: Addressing Social Urban Challenges by Bringing People and Politics Together
Academic Editors: Jua Cilliers (University of Technology Sydney), Ana Maria Vargas Falla (Lund University), Gareth Wall (University of Birmingham), and Paula Barros (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
Planning and Managing Climate and Energy Transitions in Ordinary Cities
Academic Editors: Agatino Rizzo (Luleå University of Technology), Aileen Aseron Espiritu (UiT The Arctic University of Norway), Jing Ma (Luleå University of Technology), Jannes Willems (University of Amsterdam), and Daan Bossuyt (Utrecht University)
Urban Shrinkage, Degrowth, and Sustainability: How Do They Connect in Urban Planning?
Academic Editors: Marco Bontje (University of Amsterdam), Joop de Kraker (Maastricht University / Open Universiteit), and Christian Scholl (Maastricht University)
Post-Socialist Neoliberalism and the Production of Space
Academic Editors: Gabriel Schwake (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Aleksandar Staničić (TU Delft)
Housing Norms and Standards: The Design of Everyday Life
Academic Editors: Sam Jacoby (Royal College of Art) and Seyithan Özer (Royal College of Art)
Co-Production in the Urban Setting: Fostering Definitional and Conceptual Clarity Through Comparative Research
Academic Editors: Dahae Lee (TU Dortmund), Patricia Feiertag (TU Dortmund), and Lena Unger (TU Dortmund)
Urban Borderlands: Difference, Inequality, and Spatio-Temporal In-Betweenness in Cities
Academic Editors: Deljana Iossifova (University of Manchester) and David Kostenwein (ETH Zurich)
Citizen Participation, Digital Agency, and Urban Development
Academic Editors: Simone Tappert (University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland), Asma Mehan (Texas Tech University), Pekka Tuominen (University of Helsinki), and Zsuzsanna Varga (University of Glasgow)
2023 [-]
Between the “Structural” and the “Everyday”: Bridging Macro and Micro Perspectives in Comparative Urban Research
Academic Editors: Nadine Appelhans (TU Berlin) and Sophie Schramm (TU Dortmund)
Planning, Manufacturing, and Sustainability: Towards Green(er) Cities Through Conspicuous Production
Academic Editors: Yonn Dierwechter (University of Washington Tacoma) and Mark Pendras (University of Washington Tacoma)
Improvisation, Conviviality, and Conflict in Everyday Encounters in Public Space
Academic Editors: Mervyn Horgan (University of Guelph) and Saara Liinamaa (University of Guelph)
Shipping Canals in Transition: Rethinking Spatial, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions From Sea to Hinterland
Academic Editors: Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology), Sabine Luning (Leiden University), Han Meyer (Delft University of Technology), Stephen J. Ramos (University of Georgia), and Paul van de Laar (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Assessing the Complex Contributions of Christopher Alexander
Academic Editors: Michael W. Mehaffy (Sustasis Foundation) and Tigran Haas (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Car Dependency and Urban Form
Academic Editors: Kobe Boussauw (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Koos Fransen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Ghent University) and Enrica Papa (University of Westminster)
Planning Around Polarization: Learning With and From Controversy and Diversity
Academic Editors: Oswald Devisch (Hasselt University), Liesbeth Huybrechts (Hasselt University), Anna Seravalli (Malmö University), and Seppe De Blust (ETH Zürich)
Queer(ing) Urban Planning and Municipal Governance
Academic Editors: Alison L. Bain (Utrecht University) and Julie A. Podmore (John Abbott College / Concordia University)
Smart Engagement With Citizens: Integrating "the Smart" Into Inclusive Public Participation and Community Planning
Academic Editors: Jin-Kyu Jung (University of Washington) and Jung Eun Kang (Pusan National University)
Social Justice in the Green City
Academic Editors: Roberta Cucca (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) and Thomas Thaler (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences)
Bombed Cities: Legacies of Post-War Planning on the Contemporary Urban and Social Fabric
Academic Editors: Seraphim Alvanides (Northumbria University) and Carol Ludwig (GESIS — Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
Urban Heritage and Patterns of Change: Spatial Practices of Physical and Non-Physical Transformation
Academic Editors: Frank Eckardt (Bauhaus-University Weimar) and Aliaa AlSadaty (Cairo University)
2022 [-]
Localizing Social Infrastructures: Welfare, Equity, and Community
Academic Editors: Ebba Högström (Blekinge Institute of Technology), Lina Berglund-Snodgrass (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), and Maria Fjellfeldt (Dalarna University)
Vertical Cities: The Development of High-Rise Neighbourhoods
Academic Editors: Brian Webb (Cardiff University) and James T. White (University of Glasgow)
Healthy Cities: Effective Urban Planning Approaches to a Changing World
Academic Editors: Elmira Jamei (Victoria University), Simona Azzali (Prince Sultan University), Hendrik Tieben (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), and K Thirumaran (James Cook University, Singapore)
Co-Creation and the City: Arts-Based Methods and Participatory Approaches in Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Juliet Carpenter (University of Oxford) and Christina Horvath (University of Bath)
Spatial Knowledge and Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Anna Juliane Heinrich (TU Berlin), Angela Million (TU Berlin), and Karsten Zimmermann (TU Dortmund)
The Resilient Metropolis: Planning in an Era of Decentralization
Academic Editor: Thomas J. Vicino (Northeastern University)
Gaming, Simulations, and Planning: Physical and Digital Technologies for Public Participation in Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Andrew Hudson-Smith (University College London) and Moozhan Shakeri (University of Twente)
From Smart Urban Forests to Edible Cities: New Approaches in Urban Planning and Design
Academic Editors: Alessio Russo (University of Gloucestershire) and Francisco J. Escobedo (USDA Forest Service)
Zero Energy Renovation: How to Get Users Involved?
Academic Editors: Tineke van der Schoor (Hanze University of Applied Sciences) and Fred Sanders (CPONH NGO)
The Terms of Dwelling: Re-Theorizing Housing Through Architecture
Academic Editors: Yael Allweil (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) and Gaia Caramellino (Politecnico di Milano)
Urbanisation, Crisis, and Resilience: The Multiple Dimensions of Urban Transformation in Beirut, Lebanon
Academic Editors: Liliane Buccianti-Barakat (Saint Joseph University) and Markus Hesse (University of Luxembourg)
City as Flux: Interrogating the Changing Nature of Urban Change
Academic Editor: Aseem Inam (Cardiff University)
2021 [-]
Planning for the Local Impacts of Climate Change: Nobody Left Behind?
Academic Editor: Mark Seasons (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Towards Digital Urban Regeneration: Embedding Digital Technologies into Urban Renewal Processes and Development
Academic Editor: Dalit Shach-Pinsly (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Towards Green(er) Cities: Contextualizing Green Benefits for Urban Spaces and Contemporary Societies
Academic Editor: Juaneé Cilliers (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Future Commercial and Industrial Areas
Academic Editors: Angela Million (TU Berlin, Germany) and Felix Bentlin (TU Berlin, Germany)
Smart Urban Governance for Climate Change Adaptation
Academic Editors: Thomas Thaler (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria), Patrick Witte (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Thomas Hartmann (TU Dortmund University, Germany) and Stan Geertman (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Planning for Porosity: Exploring Port City Development through the Lens of Boundaries and Flows
Academic Editor: Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Cities, Long-Distance Travel, and Climate Impacts
Academic Editors: Jukka Heinonen (University of Iceland, Iceland) and Michał Czepkiewicz (University of Iceland, Iceland / Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland)
Planning for Rapid Change in Cities
Academic Editor: Karina Landman (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Migration-Led Institutional Change in Urban Development and Planning
Academic Editors: Robert Barbarino (TU Dortmund University, Germany), Charlotte Räuchle (Free University Berlin, Germany) and Wolfgang Scholz (TU Dortmund University, Germany)
Urban Planning by Experiment
Academic Editors: Christian Scholl (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) and Joop de Kraker (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
Innovations and Development in Urban Planning Scholarship and Research
Academic Editor: Thomas W. Sanchez (Virginia Tech, USA)
Urban Planning and Green Infrastructure
Academic Editors: Paul Osmond (University of New South Wales, Australia) and Sara Wilkinson (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
2020 [-]
New Urbanism: From Exception to Norm—The Evolution of a Global Movement
Academic Editors: Susan Moore (University College London, UK) and Dan Trudeau (Macalester College, USA)
Digital Geographies and the City
Academic Editor: Wen Lin (Newcastle University, UK)
Built Environment, Ethics and Everyday Life
Academic Editors: Mattias Kärrholm (Lund University, Sweden) and Sandra Kopljar (Lund University, Sweden)
The City of Digital Social Innovators
Academic Editors: Chiara Certomà (Ghent University, Belgium), Antonella Passani (T6-Ecosystems, Italy) and Mark Dyer (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
Planning for Local Economic Development: Research into Policymaking and Practice
Academic Editors: Godwin Arku (University of Western Ontario, Canada) and Evan Cleave (Ryerson University, Canada)
Cities of Inclusion—Spaces of Justice
Academic Editors: Anja Nygren (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Florencia Quesada (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Urban Arrival Spaces: Social Co-Existence in Times of Changing Mobilities and Local Diversity
Academic Editors: Yvonne Franz (University of Vienna, Austria) and Heike Hanhörster (ILS—Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Germany)
Territories in Time: Mapping Palimpsest Horizons
Academic Editors: Chiara Cavalieri (UCLouvain, Belgium) and Elena Cogato Lanza (EPFL, Switzerland)
Visual Communication in Urban Design and Planning: The Impact of Mediatisation(s) on the Construction of Urban Futures
Academic Editors: Gabriela Christmann (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Germany), Christoph Bernhardt (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Germany) and Jörg Stollmann (TU Berlin, Germany)
Urban Planning and the Smart City: Projects, Practices and Politics
Academic Editors: Andrew Karvonen (KTH Royal Insttute of Technology, Sweden), Mathew Cook (Open University, UK) and Håvard Haarstad (University of Bergen, Norway)
Comparative Planning, Learning and Evolving Governance
Academic Editors: Kristof Van Assche (University of Alberta, Canada), Raoul Beunen (Open University of The Netherlands/Wageningen University, The Netherlands) and Stefan Verweij (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
2019 [-]
Towards Transformative Practice Frameworks: Planners, Professional Agency and Sustainable Urbanism
Academic Editors: Nezhapi-Dellé Odeleye (Anglia Ruskin University, UK) and Niamh Murtagh (University College London, UK)
Large Urban Developments and the Future of Cities
Academic Editor: Efrat Eizenberg (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Housing Builds Cities
Academic Editors: Luca Ortelli (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Chiara Monterumisi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) and Alessandro Porotto (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
Facilitating Circular Economy in Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Hilde Remøy (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Alexander Wandl (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) and Denis Ceric (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Public Space in the New Urban Agenda: Research into Implementation
Academic Editors: Michael W. Mehaffy (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Tigran Haas (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) and Peter Elmlund (Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Sweden)
The City, Aging and Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Matthias Drilling (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland) and Fabian Neuhaus (University of Calgary, Canada)
The City of Flows: Urban Planning of Environmental Flows
Academic Editor: Rob Roggema (Cittaideale, The Netherlands/Hanze University Groningen, The Netherlands)
The Transformative Power of Urban Planning through Social Innovation
Academic Editors: Torill Nyseth (UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway) and Abdelillah Hamdouch (University of Tours, France)
2018 [-]
European Cities Planning for Asylum
Academic Editor: Frank Eckardt (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany)
Urban Planning and the Suburbs: Solutions for Sustainability from the Edges
Academic Editor: Markus Moos (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Urban Planning and the Spatial Ideas of Henri Lefebvre
Academic Editor: Michael E. Leary-Owhin (London South Bank University, UK)
Urban Planning to Enable a 1.5 °C Scenario
Academic Editors: Peter Newman (Curtin University, Australia), Aromar Revi (Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India) and Amir Bazaz (Indian Institute for Human Settlements, India)
Crowdsourced Data and Social Media in Participatory Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Bernd Resch (University of Salzburg, Austria), Peter Zeile (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and Ourania Kounadi (University of Salzburg, Austria)
2017 [-]
Garden Cities and the Suburban Antidotes
Academic Editors: Markus Hesse and Geoffrey Caruso
Social Ecology of Sustainability
Academic Editors: Stephen Wheeler, Christina Rosan and Bjoern Hagen
Smart Solutions for Sustainable Cities
Academic Editors: Tom Sanchez, Ralph Hall and Nader Afzalan
Smart Cities – Infrastructure and Information
Academic Editors: Soora Rasouli, Harry Timmermans and Dujuan Yang
Urban Forms and Future Cities
Academic Editors: Luca D’Acci, Tigran Haas and Ronita Bardhan
2016 [-]
Paradigm Shifts in Urban Planning
Academic Editors: Matthias Drilling, Efrat Eizenberg, Janet Stanley, Lee Boon Thong and Andreas Wesener
Sustainable Planning and Technologies
Academic Editors: Hatem Ibrahim, Ahmed Khan, Steffen Lehmann, Dellé Odeleye and Atiq Zaman
Volunteered Geographic Information and the City
Academic Editors: Andrew Hudson-Smith, Choon-Piew Pow, Jin-Kyu Jung and Wen Lin
Urban Forms and Future Cities
Academic Editors: Luca D’Acci, Tigran Haas and Ronita Bardhan