Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-2803

Issue Title
Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Sport for Social Inclusion: Critical Analyses and Future Challenges What Makes a Difference for Disadvantaged Girls? Investigating the Interplay between Group Composition and Positive Youth Development in Sport Abstract   PDF (free download)
Hebe Schaillée, Marc Theeboom, Jelle Van Cauwenberg
Vol 11, No 3 (2023): In/Exclusive Cities: Insights From a Social Work Perspective What Would an Inclusive City for Gender and Sexual Minorities Be Like? You Need to Ask Queer Folx! Abstract   PDF (free download)
Karine Duplan
Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Multidisciplinary Studies in Social Inclusion When Colour Matters: Policing and Hate Crime Abstract   PDF
Berit Wigerfelt, Anders S. Wigerfelt, Jenny Kiiskinen
Vol 9, No 2 (2021): The Inclusiveness of Social Rights: The Case of Parental Leave Policies When Does Expanded Eligibility Translate into Increased Take-Up? An Examination of Parental Leave Policy in Luxembourg Abstract   PDF (free download)
Merve Uzunalioglu, Marie Valentova, Margaret O'Brien, Anne-Sophie Genevois
Vol 10, No 3 (2022): A Common European Asylum System: Utopian or Dystopian Expectations? When European Policies Meet German Federalism: A Study on the Implementation of the EU Reception Conditions Directive Abstract   PDF (free download)
Juna Toska, Renate Reiter, Annette Elisabeth Töller
Vol 10, No 3 (2022): Fragile Pronatalism? Barriers to Parenthood, One-Child Families, and Childlessness in European Post-Socialist Countries When Family Policy Doesn’t Work: Motives and Welfare Attitudes Among Childfree Persons in Poland Abstract   PDF (free download)
Dorota Szelewa
Vol 9, No 4 (2021): In Good Company? Personal Relationships, Network Embeddedness, and Social Inclusion When Spatial Dimension Matters: Comparing Personal Network Characteristics in Different Segregated Areas Abstract   PDF (free download)
Éva Huszti, Fruzsina Albert, Adrienn Csizmady, Ilona Nagy, Beáta Dávid
Vol 6, No 4 (2018): Gender Equality and Beyond: At the Crossroads of Neoliberalism, Anti-Gender Movements, “European” Values, and Normative Reiterations in the Nordic Model When the Personal Is Always Political: Norwegian Muslims’ Arguments for Women’s Rights Abstract   PDF (free download)
Hannah Helseth
Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Transnational Social Protection: Inclusion for Whom? Theoretical Reflections and Migrant Experiences Who Belongs, and How Far? Refugees and Bureaucrats Within the German Active Welfare State Abstract   PDF (free download)
Katrin Menke, Andrea Rumpel
Vol 12 (2024): Who Wants To Share? Attitudes Towards Horizontal Redistribution Across the Globe Who Deserves To Be Supported? Analysing Attitudes Towards Horizontal Redistribution in Nigeria Abstract   PDF (free download)
Arnim Langer, Lucas Leopold, Bart Meuleman
Vol 7, No 1 (2019): Inequalities in Access to Higher Education: Methodological and Theoretical Issues Who Goes to College via Access Routes? A Comparative Study of Widening Participation Admission in Selective Universities in Ireland and England Abstract   PDF (free download)
Katriona O’Sullivan, Delma Byrne, James Robson, Niall Winters
Vol 6, No 1 (2018): The Transformative Forces of Migration: Refugees and the Re-Configuration of Migration Societies Who Undermines the Welfare State? Austerity-Dogmatism and the U-Turn in Swedish Asylum Policy Abstract   PDF (free download)
Simone Scarpa, Carl-Ulrik Schierup
Vol 12 (2024): Who Wants To Share? Attitudes Towards Horizontal Redistribution Across the Globe Who Wants To Share? Attitudes Towards Horizontal Redistribution Across the Globe Abstract   PDF (free download)
Frances Stewart, Arnim Langer, Line Kuppens
Vol 5, No 1 (2017): International Migration and Ethnic Integration Who We Are Is What We Believe? Religion and Collective Identity in Austrian and German Immigrant Integration Policies Abstract   PDF (free download)
Astrid Mattes
Vol 8, No 3 (2020): Home, Housing and Communities: Foundations for Inclusive Society Who’s Homeless and Whose Homeless? Abstract   PDF (free download)
Ingrid Sahlin
Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Multidisciplinary Studies in Social Inclusion Wholistic and Ethical: Social Inclusion with Indigenous Peoples Abstract   PDF (free download)
Kathleen E. Absolon
Vol 5, No 4 (2017): Multilingualism and Social Inclusion Why Context Matters: Social Inclusion and Multilingualism in an Austrian School Setting Abstract   PDF (free download)
Ulrike Jessner, Kerstin Mayr-Keiler
Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Challenges in School-To-Work Transition: Perspectives on Individual, Institutional, and Structural Inequalities Why Do High‐Performing School Leavers Aspire to Occupations Atypical of Their Qualification? Abstract   PDF (free download)
Verena Eberhard, Annalisa Schnitzler, Hanna Mentges
Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Types of Education, Achievement and Labour Market Integration over the Life Course Why Enrol in a Lifelong Learning Programme? A Comparative Study of Austrian and Spanish Young Adults Abstract   PDF (free download)
Domingo Barroso-Hurtado, Ralph Chan
Vol 3, No 4 (2015): Regular Issue / Indicators and Measurement of Social Inclusion Why Social Exclusion Persists among Older People in Australia Abstract   PDF (free download)
Riyana Miranti, Peng Yu
Vol 11, No 4 (2023): Disabled People and the Intersectional Nature of Social Inclusion Women and the Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi: Experiences of Struggle and Solidarity Abstract   PDF (free download)
Sarah Huque
Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Left Behind? Women’s Status in Contemporary China Women in China Moving Forward: Progress, Challenges and Reflections Abstract   PDF (free download)
Juhua Yang
Vol 9, No 3 (2021): Home- and Community-Based Work at the Margins of Welfare: Balancing between Disciplinary, Participatory and Caring Approaches Women on the Border between Home and Homelessness: Analysing Worker–Client Relationship Abstract   PDF (free download)
Riitta Granfelt, Saija Turunen
Vol 6, No 4 (2018): Gender Equality and Beyond: At the Crossroads of Neoliberalism, Anti-Gender Movements, “European” Values, and Normative Reiterations in the Nordic Model Women’s Coalitions beyond the Laicism–Islamism Divide in Turkey: Towards an Inclusive Struggle for Gender Equality? Abstract   PDF (free download)
Selin Çağatay
Vol 11, No 4 (2023): Digitalization of Working Worlds and Social Inclusion Work‐Related ICT Use and the Dissolution of Boundaries Between Work and Private Life Abstract   PDF (free download)
Ines Entgelmeier, Timothy Rinke
Vol 8, No 4 (2020): Division of Labour within Families, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy Work–Family Arrangement and Conflict: Do Individual Gender Role Attitudes and National Gender Culture Matter? Abstract   PDF (free download)
Christina Bornatici, Marieke Heers
Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Global Perspectives on Disability Workplace Adaptations Promoting the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Mainstream Employment: A Case-Study on Employers’ Responses in Norway Abstract   PDF (free download)
Yuliya Kuznetsova, João Paulo Cerdeira Bento
Vol 4, No 4 (2016): Humanity as a Contested Concept: Relations between Disability and ‘Being Human’ Writing Disability into Colonial Histories of Humanitarianism Abstract   PDF (free download)
Paul van Trigt, Susan Legêne
Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Sport for Social Inclusion: Critical Analyses and Future Challenges You Made El Team-O! The Transnational Browning of the National Basketball Association through the “Noche Latina” Marketing Campaigns Abstract   PDF (free download)
Jorge E. Moraga
Vol 8, No 3 (2020): Sport for Development: Opening Transdisciplinary and Intersectoral Perspectives Young People’s Perceptions of the Influence of a Sport-for-Social-Change Program on Their Life Trajectories Abstract   PDF (free download)
Rob Cunningham, Anne Bunde-Birouste, Patrick Rawstorne, Sally Nathan
Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Promoting Social Inclusive Experiences in Uncertain Times Youth Empowerment Through Arts Education: A Case Study of a Non‐Formal Education Arts Centre in Barcelona Abstract   PDF (free download)
Mariona Ferrer‐Fons, Marta Rovira‐Martínez, Roger Soler‐i‐Martí
Vol 11, No 3 (2023): In/Exclusive Cities: Insights From a Social Work Perspective Youth in Zurich’s Public Spaces: Hanging Out as an In/Exclusive Way of Taking Their Place in the City Abstract   PDF (free download)
Annamaria Colombo, Claire Balleys, Marc Tadorian, Marianna Colella
Vol 5, No 3 (2017): Promoting Children’s Participation in Research, Policy and Practice Youth Reflexivity as Participatory Research in Senegal: A Field Study of Reciprocal Learning and Incremental Transformations Abstract   PDF (free download)
Richard Maclure
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