Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-2439

Rethinking Media and Social Space

Open Access

Academic Editors: André Jansson and Johan Lindell (Karlstad University, Sweden)

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Table of Contents

Media Studies for a Mediatized World: Rethinking Media and Social Space
André Jansson and Johan Lindell
Editorial | Open Access | Published: 25 May 2018
Mobile Media and Social Space: How Anytime, Anyplace Connectivity Structures Everyday Life
Mariek Vanden Abeele, Ralf De Wolf and Rich Ling
Article | Open Access | Published: 25 May 2018
A Discursive Approach to Mediatisation: Corporate Technology Discourse and the Trope of Media Indispensability
Karin Fast
Article | Open Access | Published: 25 May 2018
Mediatization of Social Space and the Case of Uber Drivers
Ngai Keung Chan and Lee Humphreys
Article | Open Access | Published: 25 May 2018
Sensorial Organization as an Ethics of Space: Digital Media in Everyday Life
Stina Bengtsson
Article | Open Access | Published: 25 May 2018
‘It’s Something Posh People Do’: Digital Distinction in Young People’s Cross-Media News Engagement
Jannie Møller Hartley
Article | Open Access | Published: 25 May 2018