Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2183-2439


Issue in Progress: This thematic issue is under way and articles will be made available as they are ready, prior to the issue's official release.

Cover Page

Practices of Digital In- and Exclusion in Everyday Life

Open Access

Academic Editors: Marcel Broersma (University of Groningen), Joëlle Swart (University of Groningen), Denise Mensonides (University of Groningen), Alex Smit (University of Groningen), and Maud Rebergen (University of Groningen)


Table of Contents

A Longitudinal Perspective on Digital Skills for Everyday Life: Measurement and Empirical Evidence
Kiran Kappeler
Article | Open Access | Published: 6 May 2024
Digital Futures: A Signal-Based Approach to Inclusive Digital Youth Work for Socially Vulnerable Youth
Lotte Vermeire and Wendy Van den Broeck
Article | Open Access | Published: 23 May 2024
Examining the Interplay of Sociodemographic and Sociotechnical Factors on Users’ Perceived Digital Skills
Massimo Ragnedda, Maria Laura Ruiu and Daniel Calderón-Gómez
Article | Open Access | Published: 29 May 2024
Exploring Parents’ Everyday Experiences With Digital Media: Barriers and Opportunities for Digital Inclusion
Caroline Robbeets, Marie Bastien, Jerry Jacques, Baptiste Campion, Margaux Roberti-Lintermans, Aurore François and Laura Merla
Article | Open Access | Published: 6 June 2024
Smartphone- and Tablet-Reliant Internet Users: Affordances and Digital Exclusion
Becky Faith and Kevin Hernandez
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 June 2024
Digitalizing Access to Care: How Self-Check-In Kiosks Shape Access to Care and Efficiency of Hospital Services
Ibrahim Loukili, Nicole S. Goedhart, Teun Zuiderent-Jerak and Christine Dedding
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 June 2024
Digital Inclusion Through Algorithmic Knowledge: Curated Flows of Civic and Political Information on Instagram
Shelley Boulianne and Christian P. Hoffmann
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 June 2024
Young People Learning About Algorithms: Five Profiles Spanning From Ineptitude to Enchantment
Maria José Brites, Teresa Sofia Castro, Mariana S. Müller and Margarida Maneta
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 June 2024
Frontline Knowledge: Digital Media Literacy of Older Adults in Ukraine
Olga Pasitselska
Article | Open Access | Published: 24 June 2024